Grief Over Breakup Lost Relationships

Grief over breakup…

Welcome to our “Lost Relationships” page.

As one of our submitters said only too well, grief is about more than just death. We have many visitors come to our grief recovery website because they are mourning the loss of a relationship due to divorce or breakup.

In some ways, grief due to a failed relationship is more complicated and can be just as devastating as a death. When a loved one dies, there is a finality, a closure that helps set the grief process in motion. It is a hard thing, but at least the finality of death leaves you but one path… getting over the loss and returning to life without the lost one.

In a broken relationship, there is no proper closure. The beloved one is still alive, so there is no “clean break”. There may even be hope in your mind that you can reunite with your lost partner. Your self-esteem may take a major blow, as you may feel like a failure, or guilty over the breakup. And if children are in the picture, the heartbreaking scenario is doomed to play out over and over again, as you must stay in touch for the sake of the children.

Our heart goes out to you in your loss. Just because your loved one did not die does not mean your grief isn’t every bit as painful and heartbreaking to you. May you begin to heal by telling others about the loss of your own special relationship, and perhaps find some comfort in similar stories posted by others who have had tragic breakups.

Ready to tell your story? Then join us in The Grief Club, it’s very easy and you’ll be glad you did.

We have transitioned the “Yourspace” Blog to a full-blown Grief Forum, complete with private messaging if you feel a connection to another guest.

There are many more benefits to joining this club than just access to the supportive Forums. Read all about it here. Then join so you can tell your own story.

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