Grief quotes…
So what is The Grief Club? Listen totheseactual quotes from visitors to our website:
“This is a club I didn’t ever want to belong to, but as my husband used to say, ‘tomorrow comes’.”
“This club we’ve been forced to join is horrible, the dues are way too high.”
“We all belong to a group that nobody wants to be a member of, so we have to stick together and lift each other up.”
“There is comfort in finding others that are truly understanding of your grief, that are experiencing the agony and immediate raw emotions of your pain. There is a familiarity that binds us together, a common understanding and connection.”
“I pray for all of us who are members of this horrible club”.
“Welcome to the ‘I can’t do this anymore’ club.”
Grief quotes…
So now you are probably getting a good idea of what “the Grief Club” is all about. It is a brotherhood (or sisterhood) of grieving souls who have been thrown together by tragic circumstances. We asked them to write in order to help ease their pain, and write, they did.…
As time went on, we began to realize how important these random writings were. And although you could actually access all of them within the pages of The Grief Blog, we felt there had to be a better way to utilize this amazing body of wisdom. What if we pulled out the best, most profound, most useful and interesting “grief quotes”, and grouped them into categories? Groupings that make them easier to access when needed? Well, that’s what we did… it is called Pearls from the Forums, and you can access this great resource by joining the new Grief Club.
I have heard from several site visitors that one of the best coping mechanisms they found was to have something they could cling to in the storm.… a thought, a quote, a psalm or a strategy. We have amassed here a huge collection from which you can choose for yourself.
As I combed through the submissions, looking for appropriate quotes and thoughts, I was blown away by the depth and breadth of wisdom I found there. May you find much comfort and help by reading these words submitted by your fellow sufferers in The Grief Club. Why not sign up yourself? Membership will bring you exclusive access to the new Grief Forum, a new bimonthly grief newsletter, discounts on other grief resources, and the popular Pearls from the Forums.
I just know that in this collection, you will find the perfect thing to latch onto. Just the right thought, catchphrase or comforting mantra to help you get through your darkest days.
Grief quotes…
And here are the categories:
- Coping ideas
- Holidays, Birthdays & Anniversaries
- What do I do with their stuff?
- Things people say… and don’t say
- Where Did Everybody Go?
- Signs from your loved one
- On missing intimacy
- One Breath, One Step, One Day at a time…
- Strength Through Faith
- Profound Insights
- Random Thoughts
- Hope & Healing
- Broken Relationships (Loss Other Than Death)
- Our Fur Babies
Here in The Pearls pages you will find pain, fear, tragedy and much sorrow. You will be sad. You will have some “ah-hah!” moments. You will find comfort in reading thoughts you would swear came straight from your own brain! And, most importantly, you’ll also find intertwined in these words a message… a clear message of hope and healing for the future.
Grief quotes…
In the new Grief Forum, you will have the ability to not only post about your loss and leave comments on other’s posts; the new improved Forum will also include private messaging!
Private messaging will be great for those of you who have requested contact information about other guests (which we were not allowed to give out). If you feel a “connection” to someone else in the forum, you can send private messages back and forth, if both of you agree to it.
The new improved “participation” section of this website is called The Grief Club. Not only will you have access to the bright new Grief Forum, membership in the Club will bring you access to a bi-monthly grief e-zine/newsletter (“Just Breathe”), great discounts on other grief resources, and of course the popular Pearls from the Forums.
We know that you will find much comfort and wisdom from this special club and as always, wish you the best of luck in your own bereavement journey.