Memorial painting for grief…
“Dealing with the inherent beauty of materials and their unfailing reliability can involve us in a deeply healing process”.
~Joan M. Erikson,
Wisdom and the Senses: The Way of Creativity
After making several artistic creations in your art journal, you may want to try your hand at painting. Painting has a different feel to it than drawing. By it’s nature, paint is very fluid and easy. The colors are more vivid. Painting therefore is especially conducive to expression of emotions.
Painting can be such an absorbing and fascinating activity. If you find yourself loving the experience, by all means pursue lessons and follow your passion. Paint is a little harder to manipulate to the desired effect, and some instruction will help you gain control over your new-found art medium.
Suggestions for beginners: watercolors, tempera, or acrylics in tubes.
Ask the art supply dealer for suggestions for suitable watercolor paper or prepared panels, ready for acrylic paints.
Just start painting. Find peace and joy in working with the colors. Paint what is inside you and let it out. Paint your feelings.
As amateur painter and author Henry Miller once said, “Paint as you like and die happy”.

Ready to try your hand at sculpture and grief masks? (Great stress relief!)
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