You may be surprised at the depth of your sad feelings for your lost pet. It can really be devastating! Why? Your pet was a constant source of fun and unconditional love. Your pet was always there for you, providing comfort and companionship, no matter what happened to you each day as the result of HUMAN interaction. The fact that you provided basic care and protected your pet also created a deep emotional dimension to your attachment. You have lost your baby!
Your grief for the loss of your pet is just as “real” as grief for a human loved one. Bereavement at the loss of a beloved pet is just as understandable as the loss of any other family member.
When your animal dies, you can show your love and appreciation, and realize some degree of comfort, by creating a pet memorial. This can be as simple as a burial ceremony of your own creation, to an elaborate memorial garden in your back yard. It is not necessary to spend a lot (or any) money on your personal pet memorial. We just wanted you to know that there are many options open to you when your beloved pet dies.
Pet Burial
Pet Loss Memorials…
- Burial in a pet cemetery. Check the yellow pages under “Pet Cemetery” or “Pet funeral”, or ask your veterinarian for the location of the nearest one. Burial in an established cemetery confirms your great loss and honors your pet in an official manner.
- Cremation. Once again, your veterinarian can let you know of the nearest pet cremation facility. It might not be close by, you might have to travel for this service. After cremation, you can choose from several methods to dispose of your beloved pet’s “cremains”. You can save the ashes in a beautiful pet urn and keep it in your home; or bury the urn in a pet cemetery or even in your backyard. You could also scatter your pet’s ashes in a place where she loved to run and play, and save a small portion of the ashes in a pet urn in your home.
- Garden Memorial. You can make or buy a memorial headstone or garden stone for your pet. A pet memorial garden is an excellent way to mark the resting place of your fallen friend, and provide a concrete place for you to go and remember him. You may also find some ideas in our Garden Memorials page.

Pet Loss Memorials…
There are many other ways you can celebrate the life of your departed companion. You might find comfort in creating a scrapbook of your pet’s life, from pictures of him as a tiny puppy or kitten, to the personable animal he became. Write some poetry or an essay about your lost friend and how sad you are about losing him or her. Include normal scrapbook items: photos, collar, ribbons or awards; whatever might commemorate the life of your animal companion.
Pet memorials of all kinds help you through the grief process and bring sweet memories of a treasured life lost. You need not spend a lot of money to celebrate and honor your lost pet. We present below a unique collection of memorial items you might be interested in, from modest to elaborate. Choose what you feel might be best for you
- Pet Loss Stone & Garden Memorials; Burial Markers & Plaques
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