Looking for some sympathy gifts for men? It’s sometimes hard finding the right gift for a grieving man. So, we went and looked around for some gifts for men who are grieving.
Grief can be very, very hard on men. They tend to show their grief differently than women, and this can be misunderstood as a lack of caring. Little boys are taught early on to hold in their feelings, and not to cry in public. The strong, silent protectors…
So bereaved men just cry in the shower, or while alone in their car. They feel just as much pain… you just can’t see it so easily. And because they look like they are “holding up” so well, they often become the “forgotten mourners”.
How can you help a bereaved friend who happens to be a man? Express to him how very sorry you are for his loss, and offer your support in concrete and practical ways, just as you would for a woman. Bereaved men need the warmth, comfort, and support of their fellow man in their time of need, just as women do. They just might not ask for it or accept it as readily as a woman might.
So, continue to provide support, practical help and companionship to your friend throughout his bereavement.
You might also want to offer a gift of condolence to a male friend, acquaintance or co-worker. It is sure to be welcomed and appreciated and never forgotten.
We offer below just a few quality sympathy gift baskets you might want to consider providing to a grieving man.
Best Sympathy Gifts For Men
Sympathy gift baskets
Whe you grieve, you’re less likely to want to sit down and eat.
I remember my mom, after my dad passed away: she could never sit at the table and eat. It’s now been 6 yewars, and she still doesn’t sit at the table where she and my dad used to eat. She just gets a bowl of food and eats in front of the computer, or standing up by the kitchen counter.
But now, more than ever, while they grieve, our loved ones still need nourishment. Gift baskets filled with snaks, dried fruit, natural drinks, etc. are perfect for them.
Ther are many avilable to buy online, if you live far away, or don’t have a lot of time to make one yourself. Here are a few examples.
Healthy Gourmet Snack Food Box, Perfect as a Sympathy GiftKosher Chocolate & Sweets Thinking of You Gourmet Gift Basket
Variety Nut & Dried Fruit Basket Gourmet – Family Sympathy Gift
But if you have the time, a gift basket created by yourself from scratch, with snacks, books, and other sooting items,will b alot more meaningful to the receiver.
Food items to use in a smpathy gift basket
- popcorn
- veggie chips
- tortilla chips
- dried apple chips
- trail mix
- salsa
- hardcandy
- organic jelly beans
- almond crunch
- granola bars
- fizzy drink
- herbal water
- chocloate chip cookies
- rosemary crackers
- mixed nuts
- dried fruit mix
Non food items you can add to your sympathy gift basket
Any one of thse items can be a gif in itself, not just addition to a gift basket.
- coffee mug (maybe one with inspirjng words on it)
- grief/memorial journal
- water bottle
- The Little Book of Big Mind Benders
- comfort candle (this one has such a beautiful message!)
More Gifts For Grieving Men
I’m going to add a few more ideas here. Hopefully you find something that speaks to your heart, that you can give your grieving friend.
Glass Comfort StonesHealing Thoughts Caring Gift Throw Blanket
Tealight Candle Holder Sympathy Gift, with Flickering Led Candle
In Memory of Loved One Ceramic Soy Wax Candle
Heal My Heart Soy Affirmation Candle
You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times
Didn’t find the perfect sympathy gift on this page?
Try one of these:
Condolence Sympathy Gift Baskets (non-food)
Food Sympathy Gift Baskets (nourishment)
Unique and Unusual Sympathy Gifts